First off, I usually don't promote or encourage buying replicas. Growing up adoring lolita fashion gave me a huge respect for designers and their craft. However, when something is sold out and hard to come by? I see no problem in opting for a replica to satisfy your needs until you can upgrade. As long as you're not wearing it to a designer's event or paying what you would for the original then I think it's fair enough.
In my case, I really adore Samantha Vega/Thevasa bags. I'm even keeping my eye on a thrifted one with heart buckles as we speak, because I legitimately want one and want to afford one. I love her previous designs with heart buckles, bows, ruffles so I'm going to most likely buy a thrifted one for that purpose. But this was a completely different situation at hand.
I absolutely loved the Sailor Moon collaboration. The only bag that beats the Samantha Vega one out, is the Anna Sui one. Clearly because I have an Anna Sui bias. In this case though, I adored this bag not just due to the designer but mainly because it was Sailor Moon. It's funny too.
Way back when in third grade, I longed for a Sailor Moon backpack. When and where I lived in Tennessee, made them nonexistent to get. Eventually, I did get one for my birthday in fourth grade and felt so lucky and unique. Funny how years later, I upgraded to a more grown up bag that is still Sailor Moon related for my twenty-fourth birthday. That saying 'we started from the bottom and now we here' literally plays in my mind and gives me a chuckle as it can be applied to this situation at hand. My love for Sailor Moon years later, hasn't changed.
Being a college student though and seeing how LIMITED this bag release was for sure made it hard to get. A couple hundred dollars and a shopping service and it being limited to department stores really made it too unappealing to get and I kind of hopped onto the hype of this bag a little bit too late. So, I opted for the replica. I did a bit of research online about the replicas and the original bag before purchasing.
That is what I do encourage if you were to buy this bag or any type of replica of anything-DO YOUR RESEARCH. Know what the typical retail pricing is and then look at what they're pricing the dupe of it for. Check how your bag is being shipped-is it being shipped from overseas? If so. Is it in a box? Is it going to get damaged. Check for tags and little things that can give off that it is a replica. Look out for the quality of the item you're getting.
I did all of this before investing 40.00 into this bag. I watch a couple of video reviews. I saw the original here:
And then looked at a couple blog posts and video posts of girls who had bought the replica for themselves. I saw bags of varying quality. Some more dented than the others, some bags were more structured, some priced ridiculously high for what some girls paid for..I looked at the different linings and zippers that each buyer had and a experienced.
Here is my experience buying the Samantha Vega x Sailor Moon bag collab:
First off, I went on ebay to make my purchase. I know a couple of people choose Aliexpress. I've never shopped with Aliexpress but I've had people review on their experience receiving the bag. One buyer was really happy with the item and did a video review. It looked like amazing quality. Other people said their bag was shipped cheaply and because of this, their bag lost its structure and was dented even. Watch out for this. Because of this, I took the risk and went on ebay.
I paid 40.00 for my bag which was a fair price for what I was getting. I got the small size bag because it did look the most accurate to the original versus the bigger bag which looked a little less structured at the top.
When I got my package the bag was in a bag but it was wrapped pretty securely. My only issue is the tiny little dent it got on the bottom left color. Because I got the bag in the blue color way and it's relatively a dark bag, it's not too noticeable. I actually saw a lot of girls get get the red, pink, and white colorways. I haven't seen too many people get the blue one so I also thought my review would be nice to show people what the blue one looks like.
As for the quality of the bag
It's a very structured bag. It hasn't lost it's shape. The PU leather has a really nice texture to it. There are no loose threads on the stitching of mine. The color is a really nice navy blue. It's a bit of a brighter blue in sunlight or good light. The color change is actually kind of nice. The bag even has some weight to it which is really good if you're a fan of sturdy bags. I carried it around the other day ago and my arm was getting tired. You can't fit too much into there if you're one of those girls who carry everything and anything in your bag. This is good for your clutch style wallet, phone, keys, and maybe one other cute thing.
The Moon Rod clasp is dead on. The gem replicating the crystal is a really gorgeous pink color that clashes beautifully with the blue. The blue color of the bag really show cases the gold rod well. I had no difficulty pulling the rod out of its clasp. The chain holding the rod in place is super sturdy as well. 'Samantha Vega' is written on the crescent moon and no lettering or capitalization is out of place.
Zipper wise, the zipper isn't shitty. It closes like it's supposed to. It doesn't get stuck on anything. It does what it's supposed to do. I know a couple of people experienced the 'Samantha Vega' on the zipper having a lower case 'v' for Vega instead of the upper case. That or the heart being warped. Mine looked like neither. Both were perfectly in place and capitalized like shown.
On the bottom of the bag are four studded feet that get the bag less dirty and scuffed. All are like they look like on the original. The bag keeps its shape on the sides. No part is collapsed in or folds at the sides. The handles on the bag keep their shape and don't fall over at all. I assume this is what the extra stitching is for at the top of the bag that isn't on the original. I know some people have drooping handles or have to crisscross the straps because they get all weird and hang over the bag. Neither do that and the handles don't make the bag top heavy in any type of way at all like I've experienced with some bags.
This is where we get a bit wonky and how you can tell it's a fake SV bag. The lining while pastel with all the correct Sailor Senshi on, the print IS indeed faded compared to the original. You can't even make out the 'Samantha Vega' on the speech bubble on the fabric print. Despite that though all the senshi are accurately colored and placed like they would be on the original bag. It's just a bit faded/not printed off well.
Here's where my biggest issue was, the lining is INCREDIBLY loose. Like they didn't sew/glue in a portion correctly. So there is a major problem. The original has the lining sewn in securely and perfectly. I have to fold in the lining because it's not properly sewn in and there's so much excess.
In terms of the pockets on this bag both are correctly sized. One for a cellphone and the others for other smaller things you might carry (portable cell phone chargers, cords, a camera maybe?). The Samantha Vega patch is accurately on the bag (tho the gold lettering is a little faded) saying "Samantha Vega Fulfilled Love; This bag is for a girl who always has fun'. The pocket on the other side is perfect to carry cosmetics. The zipper is nice quality and doesn't snag as well.
The hidden compartment while a bit snug (I'm sure it also is in the original), is accurate. Not sure what you'd place in there but it is a really neat feature in this bag. It's also lined with the same lining as the inside.
In all, this is a really great bag. For sure worth the 40.00 for a replica. You're getting a very close replication. My logic is; who the hell is going to look at the lining or true look into/pay attention to the inside of your bag? The exterior of mine looks great and it gets tons of compliments.
If you're ignoring the designer label and just going for this because it's Sailor Moon, go for it. It's a really cute bag.
If you're doing it because you can't afford to bust hundreds of dollars on the original you can as well. I'd love to upgrade to a real Samantha Vega bag in the near future because I know the bags are beautiful, unique, and high quality. Even if you're going for the original, I might recommend it and encourage it if it's attainable and something you can afford.
I WOULD love to have accurately duped (I've seen some sellers/manufactures fuck it up) versions of the Samantha Vega wallets and iPhone bags to match this bag. This was a lovely birthday present for myself among some other stuff I purchased that I'll be reviewing very soon!
Until next time lovelies!
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ReplyDeleteMay I ask which seller you purchased from? Since the replicas really run the gamut of quality, I'd love to purchase from the sam seller. Thanks for doing this review!
Let's be honest, the real bag isn't even leather. Other than the hype and licensing there is no reason any Samantha vega bag should be $200 end of story